Competition swimming started by chance when I accompanied my wife who had health problems, but her teacher was a technician and dolphin champion. Today, looking back, I succeeded in conquering about 150 medals, state, national, southamerican, latinamerican and international titles. Imagine how many times I had to compete, because there were many,many competitions without medals, including two world championships (one 33rd and one 22nd place)

Enedina Pereira, my fierce trainer, to whom I owe everything, all merits go to her account

medalhas eu
A lot of gold, silver and bronze, still growing

1998 It all started at the ICRJ (Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro) with a small Masters Swimming group, no heated water, no lines, heroic times
o GMNI na epoca heroica, sem aquecimento, sem raias
1998 The ICRJ Masters Group, later on called GMNI Grupo Masters de Natacao Iate, I am on the extreme right with my wife Maria Thereza

Aula Enedina, ainda sem raias, sem aquecimento
2002 Enedina teaching, still without lines

2001 turma do GMNI
2001 GMNI the group had already grown

Campeonato Sulamericano 2
2002 South American Masters Championships

novas raias
2002 finally lines in the pool

Amistoso Clube Militar, a turma
2004 Competition Amistoso Clube Militar - ICRJ

Mundial de Riccione, Italia, Marita+medalhas(3)
2004 Masters World Championships, Riccione Italy, my wife takes four medals!
(photo taken at the Bad Pyrmont, Germany olympic pool)

Internacional de Hildesheim, Alemanha, bandeira ICRJ
2005 The brazilian Masters Team in Germany, at the Hildesheim International Championship, from left to right Monique Biolchini, myself, Zaven Boghossian, my wife Maria Thereza

thumb_Campeonato Sulamericano Santiago, Chile, Kurt_1024
2005 One of my favorite medals: bronze, 50 m butterfly at the South American Championships,
Santiago do Chile

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2003, brazilian vice-champion 100 m and 200 m breast stroke

thumb_2012 Hildesheim_1024
2014 "Hildesheimer Rose" International Masters championship, Germany

Olimpíada Rio 2009.1
2009 "olympic" state championships, me, my wife, state swimming assoc. mgr and assistant

Marita6 071
Hildesheim 2012 with my wife and a Brazil fan in the centre